

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bentley Update...23 weeks 6 days

Hi everyone!!  After all the snow we've had, my doctor's office was closed for the last two days, so we missed our appointment on Monday.  I called this morning, and they said they could get me in at 10:30, so Daniel and I went for our routine appointment. 

All is well with Baby Bentley.  He's growing, and SO AM I!!!  I've gained 4 pounds since our last visit, which is really good considering that only makes 5 pounds total for the entire pregnancy so far.  My blood pressure was good at 100/62, and Bentley's heart rate registered in the 150's on the Doppler.  He doesn't like being poked, though.  Every time she pressed on my belly with the wand, he kicked or punched back.  I got tickled, and the nurse was laughing, too. 

I told the doctor that I had been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, but she wasn't concerned.  Unless they come in a rhythm or have real pain or bleeding associated with them, there is nothing to worry about.  She went ahead and checked my cervix since I've felt a little "pressure" lately, but that's good, too.  She said I probably just feel when he pushes on my bladder for leverage to move around. 

Our next visit will be on Wednesday, February 9th.  I'll have the glucose test to check for diabetes, and we're also having the 4D ultrasound that day.  We'll get to see just what Bentley looks like!  :)  For now, here's our latest photo of the growing boy.

23 weeks 6 days...We are definitely growing!
Now it's time to start the nursery, so here's the latest.  We looked at furniture all over Huntsville and decided to order from All About Baby on the corner of Governor's Drive and University Drive in Huntsville.  They already had the 5 drawer chest in stock, but we're waiting on the other pieces to come in.  They have to ship from California, so it may be sometime in February before we get it.

When Daniel and I first started looking, we picked up brochures for all the furntiture we liked.  Then, we put all the brochures in order from our most to least favorite.  For both of us, the top three choices in the pile of brochures were made by Baby Appleseed.  Here's a link to their website to check it out.

There are three styles of furniture to choose from, and we decided on the Millbury.  It is beautiful as baby furniture, but it converts into a toddler bed and a full-size bed.  It's really beautiful at all three stages, and it's something that Bentley will have as long as he lives at home...definitely worth the investment.

Bentley will have the crib, 7 drawer dressed without the hutch, 5 drawer chest, and a nightstand.

Here is the crib converted into a toddler bed.

Here is the crib converted into a full-size bed.
That's all we have for now, but as soon as we get the furniture in, I'll post some photos of Bentley's room.   

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