

Monday, June 13, 2011

2 Months Old

Can you believe it?!?!?  As of Saturday, June 11th, Bentley is 2 months old and growing like a weed.  We had quite a weekend, and lots of pictures to prove least for Sunday's events. 

On Saturday we celebrated Father's Day with my dad and Daniel's dad.  We will be at the beach on Father's Day this year, so we went to a cook-out at Dave and Reg's (Daniel's parents) house.  Everyone had a great time.  Sadly, we didn't take any pictures there...go figure.  Coen and Charlie (our two nephews) play really well together.  Charlie has a Gator riding toy, and Coen has a Hummer...they like to race around the house together.  They also loaded up sticks in the back of Charlie's Gator, and they unloaded them (dumped them) in the ditch behind the house.  They crack everyone up.  Ruby Cate (our niece)  is barely a year old, so she's interested in everything she shouldn't have.  She's so cute walking around getting into stuff as she cuts her eyes back to see if anyone is looking...too cute!  Of course Bentley did what itty bitty babies do...he hung out with all the adults and slept a little and played a lot!

Sunday was a busy day...and we have pictures to prove it.  I don't know about the rest of the world, but I think Hurricane Messy goes through my house every Sunday morning.  There is something about getting ready for church that makes my house a disaster.  Maybe it's because we have just enough time to make a mess and not enough time to clean it up.  All I know is that when I got home from church on Sunday, the paper was all over the living room, clothes were everywhere upstairs, and Bentley's room was a pretty messy, too.  Oh well...I guess that's part of life, huh?

Before going to church, we took some pretty cute photos of Bentley.  He wore an outfit that Daniel wore when he was a baby.  I thought he looked super cute, and it was the first time he wore shoes.  Almost 9 weeks old and shoes FINALLY fit.  :)

Isnt' he precious!?!?

Look Daddy...We're the same size!


Mommy's Little Man!

Look Guys...I can stand up in my super cool shoes!

Check out my new kicks! 
As always...Bentley slept through church.  (Pa says that's just like a Baptist...ha ha ha :)  After church, Coen went home with us so he could get a quick nap before Callie's (my cousin) birthday party.  We grabbed a quick snack, changed clothes, and headed to Guntersville Dairy Queen for the party.  There was an indoor playground there, and all the kids loved it.  Bentley said he'd try it our in a year or two. :)

After the party, all the big boys (the Dads) went to play golf.  They are getting prepared for playing in Florida next week.  Cyndel and I took our kiddos to the pool, and Raven, Kayla, and Karrington went with us.  Chris, Kayla, and Karrington are going to the beach with Daniel, Bentley, and me, as well as Russ, Cyndel and Coen.  We will have a 2 month old, an 8 month old, and a 2 1/2 year old.  I don't think we know whether to be excited or scared...:)  Karrington has never been swimming, so we were excited to see her enjoy the water so much.  She'll have blast at the beach.

Karrington and Bentley really like one another.  I guess she likes younger men (she's a Cougar), and Bentley likes older women.

Gee...I wonder if she likes the water.  From the look on her face...I'd say so! :)
Coen is always a little fishy.  He swims all over the place, and has no fear of the water.  He loves jumping in, going under like a duck, going down slides, going off diving boards, and being thrown in the air.

Swimming like a fish!

In midair jumping in the pool!
Bentley can't actually get in the sun yet, so he spends his time on the porch/patio hanging out in his travel bassinet.  I can't wait until he's able to get in the water.  As much as he loves bath time, I really think he'll love swimming.

What's going on?  Why can't I swim???

Fine then...if I can't swim, I'll sleep!

Sleeping is NO FUN!  I want to swim already!!!
We had a good time swimming, but it quickly got late, and it was time to eat, bathe, and go to bed for our little ones.  Sunday was so busy that Bentley slept really good.  He ate at 8:00, was asleep by 8:25, and he didn't wake up again until 3:40.  That was SOOO nice!  He then woke up at about 6:45...what a wonderful night.  He was so precious when I went in to get him up.  I opened his curtains, opened his blinds, and started singing "Good Morning."  He turned his head to see me and gave me the sweetest smile.  He was so happy all morning...UNTIL...

He went for his 2 month check-up.  He was very brave, but he didn't enjoy this visit AT ALL!  He took a quick nap before we left home and on the way to the doctor.  Here is his before picture.
Snoozing...he didn't have a clue what was coming.
When they take us back, the first thing they do is strip him down for his height and weight...he was not one bit excited about that.

The nurse marked on the sheet to get his big boy is 23 inches long!!!

Looking at Daddy after being weighed...Save me Daddy!!!
You can't see them, but there were big tears streaming down his face. safe place!
Bentley is 23 inches long, which means he's grown 4 1/2 inches since he was born...HOLY MOLY!  He's in the 50% for his height, which is within normal range on his grown curve compared to when he was born.

He weighs 9 pounds 3 ounces, so he has gained 3 pounds and 2 ounces since he was born.  That's 50% of his original body weight.  He is in the 5% for this, but he's still within the normal range on his growth curve.  He's just kind of skinny...hmmmm, I wonder where he gets that.

His head circumference is in the 5%, as well, but the doctor said that's also within his normal growth curve.  Go figure...right now I have long, skinny baby!  :) 

After getting all this info, the doctor came in to answer any questions and give Bentley a thorough look-over.  He's perfect...everything was normal.  He's eating good, growing good, sleeping good, and doing exactly what he should be doing. 

He was really good for the doctor.  He didn't cry at all.

After checking everything...the doctor sent in the the nurse for the dirty work...SHOTS!  Bentley got 3 shots and an oral vaccine.  He liked the oral vaccine, but he had some real inhibitions about the shots.  Poor baby!

Here, he's getting the oral vaccine...Mmmm, what a yummy snack!

Getting ready for shots, Hey guys, something's fishy...


Sad little baby, cute Snoopy band-aids.
Bentley screamed during the shots, but by the time I got his clothes on and changed his diaper, he was calm as a cucumber.  He was nearly asleep by the time we got to the car.  He then slept for 2 1/2 hours, so I guess all that commotion wore him out.  He woke up long enough to eat, and he went back to sleep.  I can't tell yet if he's sore or feeling crummy, but maybe he's going to be lucky and not have any side effects.  We'll see.

More war wounds...

Sleep smiling...I guess those are sweet dreams!  I'm guessing he can actually have nightmares now after today's experience.

Smiling at Mommy for the brief moment he was awake.
Well, he will go for his next check-up when he's 4 months old, so maybe he'll forget about all this before then.  For thinking about him just in case he feels kind of crummy.  We leave Saturday to go to the beach, so we'll definitely post periodically to document his first vacation. 

Have a good day and a great week! :)

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