

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

8 Weeks Old

Hi Everyone!!  Bentley here...

Guess who dressed me today...

We're thinking these baby blues will remain baby blues...time will tell.
I just thought I would remind you all that I'm EIGHT WEEKS OLD (as of Monday)!  Holy moly!!  :)  (That's what my Mommy says all the time.)  Can you believe it's been eight whole weeks since I arrived??  Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe it, but I've tried to convince them it's true.  Mommy sings "Happy Birthday" to me every week, and this week was no different.  She also sings "Good Morning" to the tune of "Happy Birthday," which I think is pretty funny.  She made sure to take some super duper cute pictures of me to document my 8 week birthday.  Here they are!!

Daddy and I had some serious play time before he got ready for work.  He likes to pile all my toys on top of me and say, "Take your pick!"

When Mommy started taking pictures, I was a little ham...Here's my little grin.
Daddy and I played for a long time (at least it was a long time for my attention span).  He tried out all my toys, but I think he was a little confused about my wrist rattles. 

Wrist rattles OR headband...hmmmm???
I posed for  couple of pictures for Mommy.  She was acting a little silly, so it was pretty easy to smile.

Okay...I don't mean to be conceited, but really...aren't I cute!?!?!

I was very happy and pleasant on this beautiful Monday morning...we had a great time playing together.

HA HA HA HA HA.....I am trying so hard to laugh out loud, but I haven't quite mastered it yet.
After all my one-on-one with Daddy, I worked out a little in my gym. 

I'm getting better and better about hitting my guitars.  I worked out my upper body in this picture.
Speaking of working out...Mommy and Aunt Cyndel have started working out.  They are going to the ROC (Whitesburg Baptist Re-Creation Outreach Center) three times a week.  Mommy times it to be during my nap so when we go Coen gets to play with Taylor (my babysitter), and I stay in my carseat/stroller and sleep.  So far it has worked out perfectly, but we'll see what happens when I wake up for the first time.  :)

To wrap up the eight week update, Mommy mentioned my sleeping situation in the last post.  I was having trouble napping in my crib, but I'm doing a little better.  I took a 2 1/2 hour nap in my bed today, and Mommy was so proud.  While I still have a little trouble napping, I am a champion sleeper at night.  Mommy and Daddy start my bedtime routine between 7:30-8:00.  Mommy gives me a bath and puts on my PJ's, and then Daddy gives me my one bottle of the day and puts me to bed.  They put me in my bed while I'm still awake, and I'm getting better and better about going to sleep.  Sometimes I cry just a little, but sometimes I go to sleep without making a peep.  I am almost always asleep between 8:00-8:30.  I then wake up at about 2:00 AM to eat, and then again between 5:00-6:00.  Mommy is so happy that I sleep good...she gives me lots of kisses and tells me how proud she is ALL THE TIME! 

That about sums up my current status.  By the cold is completely gone, and I feel totally well.  I go to the doctor next Monday for my 2 month check-up, so we'll update everyone after that.  Keep me in your prayers...I'll be getting some shots at that visit. :(

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