

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Well...we had another busy weekend.  Bentley had his first little road trip to Birmingham.  Daniel wanted to look at a car (imagine that), so we loaded up Saturday morning and did just that.  Bentley did really well.  He slept almost the whole way there and the whole way home.  He did really well while we were there, too.  He really likes to go places, so that was right up his alley. 

After going to B'ham, we went straight to a birthday party.  A college friend of mine, Jessica, has a little girl named Payton that turned 3 on Saturday.  Bentley was a little ill when we first got there (because I woke him up), but he warmed up to everyone nicely.  I think he liked the party, except it was a Pinkalicious theme, so he thought they should have incorporated some blue.  Ha! Ha!  Sadly, we didn't have the camera with us Saturday, so we don't have any pictures. :(

Sunday was a VERY BUSY day!!  Daniel and all the other men in our family smoked ribs.  He got up at 5:00 AM to get started.  I decided to get up with him so I would be able to cook during Bentley's morning nap rather than showering.  It all worked out nicely.  We timed everything really well, and were feasting at about 12:30 PM.  We had a delicious plate of smoked ribs with homemade BBQ sauce, grilled corn on the cob, baked beans, garlic BBQ bread, and banana pudding.  Can you say YUMMMMM!?!?!?!?!?  It was all so good, but it's too bad that the eating takes such a short time considering the cooking took FOREVER! :)  Here are some pictures we got that day.

Cyndel was holding Bentley on the porch swing...his new favorite pass time.

Here's Aunt Cyndel with both of my babies.

After setting up a chair for Porsche, Coen wanted to sit by her. 

I was happy to have both of my boys in this picture.

Granddaddy Dave with Ruby Cate

Lookout!!! Coen's on the loose!

Cyndel, Granddaddy and all the babies.
After our OH SO YUMMY meal, we all went to the pool for a swim.  It was such a nice day for that, and it was Bentley's first outing at the pool.  He didn't get in the water, but he thoroughly enjoyed his nap in his travel bassinet (Thanks Jess...he LOVES it!) on the porch.  Check out my HOT STUFF baby in his swim suit.

It's a little big, but this is smallest swimsuit I could find.

Bentley lounged out the entire time we were at the pool.  He LOVES to be outside!

Don't you wish you could sleep this good in the midst of anything?

So sweet...I just want to eat him up! :)

There's a few more pool pictures I can share, and quite a few I probably shouldn't. :)  I don't think everyone wants a swimsuit shot on the world wide web. :)

Daniel and I posed for a quick pic. 

Charlie really enjoyed swimming.  He's still learning to get his face wet, but he started using his arms to swim...Good job, Charlie!!
That sums up our Sunday...Monday was a day of recouping (the house, that is).  No matter how careful I am to clean up as we go, my house is always a disaster after company, so Daniel and I helped each other out watching Bentley to get everything done.  Bentley wasn't thrilled about napping Monday morning (because I needed him to), so Daniel took care of him while I cleaned the house. I feel better about that?!?!  When I finished cleaning Daniel did some yard work (mowing, cleaning up the three grills used for smoking, etc.).  Believe it or not, we were completely finished with all those things by noon.  Russ and Cyndel were going to look for a new washer and dryer, so we went with them.  Daniel was convinced we needed a new set, as well, so Best Buy lucked out.  We both bought washers and dryers, and Russ and Cyndel got a vacuum cleaner, too.  We are picking up the washer and dryer tonight, so I might actually like to do laundry for while. :)

When we got home from shopping, Daniel and I grabbed a quick dinner at the nearest Mexican restaurant, El Herradura...they have Buy 1 Get 1 combos on Monday!!  Then, we came home and enjoyed the beautiful, yet hot evening on the porch.  Daniel finally got some pictures of Bentley and me on the porch swing.  Remember...the swing was my Mother's Day present, and Bentley and I spend LOTS of time swinging.

Sweet Baby and Mommy

Here we are again!

He's discovered he can stand up and take a few steps.  He walked up by belly and stood up like a BIG BOY!! 
Overall, we had a really good weekend.  Bentley absolutely loves to be outside, no matter how hot it is.  That is great and wonderful, except sometimes he cries just to go outside.  Since he spent so much time out and about and outside over the weekend, he's boycotting his room.  He still sleeps really well at nighttime, but getting him to nap in his bed it extremely trying.  So, if you talk to Bentley in the near future, he's going to tell you want a mean Mommy I am.  I am making him nap in his bed, and he does not like it.  If you could back me up and tell him it's for his own good I would appreciate it.  THANKS! :)

Happy late Memorial Day!! 

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