

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Keeping Busy!

I have to say...I have been finding projects to keep me busy, and it's doing the trick!  The days are passing quickly, and we're getting closer to the day when I get to be part of the REAL WORLD!  WooHoo!

When I posted pictures of Bentley's name, it sparked a few more projects that I've had fun with over the last week.  A few months ago Coen got new bedding with "back it ups" (bulldozers, dump trucks, etc.) on it, so his animal themed canvases no longer fit the bill.  So, Cyndel and I decided we would get letters like Bentley's to paint for his "Big Boy Room."  It's just coincidence that the colors in Coen's room are about the same as the colors in Bentley's room.  Here's Coen's name!

Coen is really excited about his name.  He helped us hang them in his room!
  After I finished Coen's name, I was just hoping and praying that someone else would need something done, and I was in luck.  My friend, Janice, has a friend expected a baby boy and thought his painted name would be cute for his room.  All we knew is that the room was chocolate and blue, and Janice thought there might be polka dots involved.  So, with that info, I went to work!  Check out his adorable letters.  I think Janice is going to mount them to a plaque or canvas into one larger piece because the letters are a bit small.

Aren't these precious?!?!  I love the whimsy look that's still boyish.
 After getting these two painted, I got to work on ideas for hanging Bentley's name.  Daniel and I both liked the star hanger from Pottery Barn Kids on a previous post, but we thought we could do something similar for much cheaper.  So, after lots of ideas, we decided to find our own stars and wire to hang.  Luckily, Hobby Lobby had perfect star peg hangers for $1.99 each, and the hardware totaled less than $5.  So, approximately $10 compared to $39...I think we did pretty good.

I still have to fudge the "L" a little...It's driving me CRAZY!

Here's a peek at the stars.  I painted them to match the room, and I think they turned out cute!

We completed that project last night.  I think I've been driving Daniel crazy about getting it done, but what can I say...The pregnant lady wants what she wants!  When I talked to him on the phone the other day about going by Lowe's, we were talking about what we needed and when we would work on it, and my comment was, "I really just want to get it done."  His next comment was, "Okay, nester!"  At least he's got the right idea! :)

That's all my painting projects as of late.  With the Walk for Autism coming up this weekend, there were a few things that needed to get done before of which was more posters.  Naturally, everyone thought of me.  I love doing that kind of thing, and I need things to keep me busy.  I was glad they thought of me because that kept me busy yesterday afternoon, and I still have a few to complete today.  My dining room table has been my craft center lately.  I've been calling it my "workspace."  At least I can feel like I'm doing something productive beside incubating my little one!

Here's my "workspace."  It was painting central for a while, but posters are the project of choice for now.
Speaking of Bentley, we are doing good.  We're 35 weeks today, and he's staying put for now.  I had a little cramping and pressure yesterday, but that's not really anything new.  We're just hoping he stays put until after the shower!  4 MORE DAYS!! 

I get to go to the Walk on Saturday...I hope to see you all there! :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

34 1/2 Weeks: Bentley Update

Hi everyone!  We are doing great here at the Bowling residence.  I am still feeling really good for the most part.  I still have my moments, but moments are much better than days or weeks of being sick.  The only thing that's not going my way is sleeping.  The last two nights I've had to wake up two times to take my medication for contractions, once for my heartburn medication, and I've had to pee five times!  That's a total of EIGHT TIMES waking up in the middle of the night.  I should be well prepared for that part of parenthood if this keeps up.  I guess I'd rather wake up multiple times instead of being sick all the time, though.  Overall, I'm doing good.

If you're like me, you've been a little anxious for a doctor update.  We got so used to going every week that a two week span seemed like an eternity.  To keep the theme going, we waited an eternity at the doctor today. :) 

My appointment was at 3:45, and they usually call me back right away.  I think it was after 4:00 when they called me back for the initial check-up stuff.  Here's my stats today:
 - Urine test: Normal
 - Blood Pressure: 100/60
 - Weight Gain: NONE...can you believe it?  I weighed the same today as I did 2 weeks ago, but I have proof that Bentley's growning.  Check out our pictures this week.

Here we are...getting bigger everyday!

Surely to heavens you can tell he's grown.
As for the rest of our appointment.  We waited in the triage area for about 10 minutes before a room was open.  Once we got in a room, the nurse checked Bentley's heartrate, which was about 148 bpm(PERFECT)!!  Then, we waited for what seemed like forever.  Finally, the doctor came in to check me.

She said I was dilated to a "good 2."  In the past, she's said I was barely at 2 cm, but today she said I may have changed (dilated) a little more.  She did say she was a little more courageous while checking me because she's not as nervous about stimulating contractions or labor at this point.  Overall, she was very happy that we made it past 34 weeks, and she said I could discontinue my bedrest at 36 weeks.  My next appointment is next Wednesday, and they will do an ultrasound to check Bentley's growth.  So far, he's measured about a week ahead on all his measurements, so we'll see if that's still the case. 

I did have a few questions for the doctor this time of the most important questions was about the Walk for Autism, which is this weekend.  She said I can go, and she was glad to hear that I plan to sit down and watch rather than walk.  Although, she was going to let me walk "if my heart so desired."  She said she would feel guilty telling me I couldn't walk for a cause that was important to me.  I probably would try and walk if my shower weren't the next day.  I would like to be able to attend my own shower, so I'll try to put off labor at least until after it's over.  In the mean time, I am CRAZY EXCITED about the shower!!  I can't wait!

I've been keeping busy by painting more letters this past week.  I painted Coen's name for his bedroom, and I plan to paint some more tomorrow for a friend of mine.  I'll post pictures of those when they are all finished.

Finally, congratulations to a couple of high school friends of mine that are on the Baby Train. 
 - Anna had her baby today, just a tad early, and her little girl is 5 lbs. 5 oz. and 17 inches long.  From what I hear, Mommy and Baby Olivia are doing great.
 - Ashley is scheduled to have her baby boy on Thursday, so good luck and I hope all goes well.  We're thinking of you!

The Walk for Autism is THIS SATURDAY, April 2nd.  Registration starts at 8:30!!!  Please join us at Milton Frank Stadium for so much fun and a great cause!  If you go online and preregister, the cost is $25, and if you register the day of the Walk, the cost is $30.  Either way, your registration fee includes a t-shirt!!  I hope to see you there...I'll be there with my bells on!

Click Logo to go to ASA webpage for registration!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Date Night & Bentley's Name

First of all, I have to say that I FINALLY feel good!  You know, it's funny to me that everyone has their "milestone week" where they finally feel good during pregnancy.  Early in my pregnancy, I kept hearing 12 weeks, 14 weeks, 18 weeks, blah, blah, blah...."You'll feel like a million bucks!"  I gave up on that a LONG time ago.  I was sick until about 20 weeks (and I still have spells on some days), and that's when the heartburn and contractions started.  We all know where that ended up!  Well, guess what!!!  33 weeks is my magic number.  I have felt better over the last 4 or 5 days than I have felt the entire pregnancy.  I still have moments of "yuckiness," but that's usually if I'm hungry or have INSANE heartburn.  Overall, I'm GREAT, and you have no idea how excited I am to say that.

You all got so used to a doctor update each week, but we were cleared for two weeks the last time we went to the doctor, so I didn't have an appointment this week.  You might understand my disappointment when I realized I had lost my outing for this week since the doctor's office is the only place I've been able to go.  The doctor did tell us that I could go for a drive to see the spring, so Daniel and I took it upon ourselves to have that "drive" take us on a date.  (What's the difference in sitting at a table in a restaurant as compared to my table at home?)  I have to sweet husband was great!  He made reservations at one of my favorite restaurants (Connor's Steak & Seafood, which he wouldn't tell me right away).  When I found out he'd made reservations, I was so excited.  You have to understand...I haven't been out to eat in FIVE WEEKS!  This was a very exciting moment.  I kind of felt like I was getting ready for prom (though I didn't get all dressed up).  You know how you want everything to perfect?...I paid extra attention to hair and make-up just because I could.  When I finished getting ready, I came downstairs, and Daniel said, "Well, aren't you cute!"  That may not sound like much, but he usually doesn't comment on things like that, so I was happy. :)  You can judge for yourself...Here are some pics of Bentley and me before our date with Daddy.

Can you tell how much Bentley has grown?  I can definitely tell!
Here we are...ready for our date! 
You might notice that I've had a haircut.  I was desperately needing one, and I am lucky enough to know someone that was willing to come to my house on Saturday to cut my hair.  (Thank you Shantelle!)  It feels so much better! 

Well, date night was a blast!  The food was great, the weather was beautiful, and the time with my hubby was priceless!  Of course we had to top the night off with some ice cream...that's my new craving!  We stopped by Bruster's on the way home for yummy, heartburn healing treats. 

Now, I know I've mentioned before that I have some plans for decorating Bentley's room, but I haven't been able to go out shopping.  Some stuff I can order online, but other things I really just need to be able to touch and feel.  Well, on Saturday Cyndel and Raven were my hands and eyes at Hobby Lobby.  I finally decided to paint the letters of Bentley's name rather than painting canvases.  (I have painted canvases for other babies in the past, but Bentley's 7-letter name was going to be A LOT!)  Here's some pics of some canvases I've painted.  I can't find all the pictures, so we'll have to settle with these.

Here's Charlie's (my nephew) initials.  They match his baby bedding.

Here's Coen's name.  We hung these in his jungle/animal themed nursery.  I think these prints would be cute for just about anything!
Now, like I said, Bentley's name is a little too long to do canvases, so I settled for plain wooden letters.  Cyndel and Raven picked them up for me at Hobby Lobby on Saturday, and I couldn't wait to get started painting.  So, yesterday, I spent quite a few hours painting away for my baby boy.  I have to say...I am very happy with how they turned out.  Here's the pics of each letter, as well as all the letters together.

I decided to do all the letters a little different, so the "B" showcases vertical stripes.

The "E" has little lines that imitate stitching, as if it were quilted.

I wanted to do polka dots, but I didn't want them to look girly, and I think the "N" is the perfect combination of whimsy and boyish.
I couldn't decided whether to do plaid, checks, or something else, but the "T" is still simple enough that it fits nicely between two busier letters.
I had to incorporate the star theme into his name.  The "L" is perfect for doing just that.
While similar to the other E, this "E" has tiny dots rather than lines to simulate stitching.
Anchoring the end of his name, the "Y" sports horizontal stripes to compliment the B.

Voila!!!  Here's his whole name, complete and perfect for my baby boy!
So you know, I have massive amounts of time on my hands, and I love painting projects, so let me know if you're interested in some cute painted letters or canvases.  I would love to have some fun busy work!

Daniel and I haven't really come to a final decision on how to place Bentley's name in his room.  I could hang the letters by ribbon, sit them on a shelf, or hang them from a cable that incorporates a really cute decor into the room.  Here's the cable I've found on Pottery Barn Kids.

Check out the cute stars that would add a little more character to the nursery. 

Here's another view of the cable.  I'm thinking I would hang the letters from the cable with ribbon.  TOO CUTE!! 
Well, I think that's all my news for today.  Oh, except I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my baby shower dress!!  We ordered it last week, and it's supposed to be here today!  YIPPEE!  I rarely get to wear cute maternity stuff since I don't go anywhere, so you can see why I'm super thrilled about my dress.  I sure hope it gets here, and I sure hope it fits!  :)  I can't wait for my baby shower either.  Less than two week...we have to keep Bentley in place at least until then.  I would like to look pregnant at my shower...I guess if he comes early, he might get to attend his own baby shower, too.

Have a great week, and keep us in your prayers.  The beautiful weather has lifted my spirits, and my new found "feeling good" moments have helped so, so much!  33 1/2 weeks, and Bentley's still in place!  I think we're on the downhill slope!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

2011 Walk for Autism

Hey Everybody!  Well, I thought I'd shift gears for this post and talk about something besides Bentley and me.  (First of all, though, we're doing great!  No changes!)

To give you a little background information, when I decided to be a teacher, I had fully intended to teach in a 3rd grade general education class.  God's plan was different.  I decided to get my minor in Special Education so I would be prepared for all students in my classroom, but the training for that changed my life.  I did half of my student teaching in a 1st grade general education classroom, which I didn't enjoy that much, and I did the other half of my student teaching in a K-1st grade Autism classroom.  For those of you that know me and my story already, you know I fell in love with those kiddos.  I knew then that I wanted to work with students with autism.  It is so amazing to see that light bulb go off and see the progress that is made with students with autism.  It seems that all the major milestones we have for children (saying simple words and phrases, potty training, saying parents names and "I love you") are a big deal when any child does them.  But when a child with autism finally "gets it" and meets those major milestones, along with some seemingly trivial tasks, it is so much more special.  To get to be a part of someone's life (the children and parents) and get to experience that with them is what makes me love working with these kiddos. 
I wasn't lucky enough to land "the perfect job" as soon as I was out of school.  I worked in Arab as a high school special education teacher for two years (which I loved), but it wasn't what I really wanted to do.  I got a call from the my mentor teacher in the autism classroom, who was now the Autism Specialist for Huntsville City Schools telling me to apply in Huntsville.  I needed to get my foot in the door somewhere if I wanted to teach in an autism class eventually.  That's exactly what I did.  I worked one year at Whitesburg Middle School with 6th graders in special education.  That was plenty long enough for me to realize that I am not meant to teach 6th grade.  (6th grade teachers deserve medals for what they put up with everyday!)  At the end of that school year, there were a lot of teachers moving around throughout the system, and there were new autism classrooms opening at many schools.  This was my chance.  With lots of prayers and maneuvering of personnel between schools, it turned out that a position was available at Challenger Elementary School doing exactly what I wanted to do...teach students with autism.  The best part about this position...three of my students were also in the autism class I had done my student teaching in, so I already knew them and their parents.  So, that's where I've been for three years. 

Every day I go to school I have to wonder what kind of day it will be.  There are days that are filled with screams and tears with what seems like little progress, and then there are days when things just "click."  Those days are the ones that make it all worth it.  It is very stressful to go into a class each day knowing you have to deal with potty training issues, tantrums, and a major communication barrier with the students I teach, but as I look at all the progress we've made with "my kiddos" I have a hard time remembering all the bad days.  The good days are the ones that stick with me.  Of course, I don't just get to go and play and work with my students, so the paperwork, constantly changing policies, and the never ending meetings that go along with the job are definite downfalls.  Somehow, though, the good days, progress, and many milestones we've met have seemed to overpower the "not so good" stuff.

While working with students with autism, I have met some of the most wonderful people that have come into my life.  The staff I've worked with, as well as many of the parents, have become my wonderful friends.  As a matter of fact, they are the ones that have been taking care of me during all this commotion with Bentley.  I am so grateful to have met these people and have them in my life.  It is so wonderful to be able to interact with everyone outside of a school setting.  All pressure off, all guards down, we have a lot of fun together.  One of the main events that gets us all together for many months of the year is the annual Walk for Autism, so here's my plug for that.
I have worked on the Walk committee for two years prior to this year.  Last spring I was asked to take on the 2011 Walk for Autism as the Chairperson.  Of course, me being me, said "YES!"  Then, guess what, I found out I was pregnant.  Not expected any problems, I continued working on the walk, and we really started planning this past fall.  I got my committee together, had meetings, started fundraising, and then Bentley started acting up.  Needless to say, I cannot take on the whole Walk in the middle of my complications.  So, Jenny, who was supposed to co-chair, has graciously stepped up and taken it on.  I am still fundraising from the couch, and keeping up to date and in touch with everyone, but I can't have as big a hand in the Walk as I wanted to do.  I don't even think I'll be able to go, but we'll see.  Anyways...I wanted everyone to at least know about the 2011 Walk for Autism.  Whether I'm there or not, I want my family and friends there!!

It is a perfect Saturday outing for families.  There are TONS of activities for kids, it's safe, and it's for a wonderful cause.  To sign up, you can contact me, or you can go to the Autism Society of Alabama website.  It's only $25/person and you get a t-shirt.  Also, there's free food at the Walk, so no need to worry about lunch.  Now that you've gotten my background and you know why I'm so passionate about what I do, here's the details.
Location: Milton Frank Stadium
Date: April 2, 2011
Time: 8:30am Registration / Walk begins at 9am
Tickets: $25/person ($30/person the day of the walk)

Small children can walk for FREE with paying adult!

Monday, March 14, 2011

32 1/2 Weeks & Doing Good

Hello All!!  Before I get to the's our pics this week.

Here's Bentley and me!  We've grown even more!!

Little Man is taking up ALL the room.  He's kicking me in the ribs on a regular basis, and likes to stretch out a lot!

Good news...we went to the doctor this morning, and again, NO CHANGES!  That's a good thing.  She said she feels comfortable waiting 2 weeks to see me, now.  There is a good side and a bad side to that.

>>GOOD: That means she thinks what we're doing is working, and there's less of a need to worry.

>>BAD:  There goes my outing next week. :(  (I told her I was a little disappointed not to get my outing for the week, so she told Daniel he could drive me around next week so I could see the coming of spring.  That sounds wonderful to me!  This is my favorite time of year, and it's hard to endure it indoors.  This past weekend I went outside and sat in the sunshine for while.  That was really nice.  I told Daniel that I look really pasty today.  Usually I have a little sun by now from taking my kiddos out to recess.  I guess I'll have to take Porsche out to recess everyday.  (Ha ha ha)

As for the details of the appointment...Here they are!
Urine Test: Normal
Blood Pressure: 90/70
Weight Gain:  Another 1 1/2 pounds, so we're up to 10 pounds, overall.  WooHoo, double digits!
Bentley's Heartrate: 140 bpm
Dilation: Still 2 cm
Fetal Fibronectin Test:  Obviously, I wasn't in the 16-30% of people that go into labor within 2 weeks from the last test.  The doctor said we wouldn't repeat that test anymore.

I haven't had any more painful contractions this past week, but I had a lot of cramping Thursday and Friday.  Who knows what that was all about??  I have continued to have LOTS of my painless contractions (Braxton Hicks).  Sometimes I'll only have a few an hour, and sometimes they come every 3-5 minutes.  Go figure...they obviously don't seem to be changing my cervix, so that's all that matters.

I felt really crummy last week, but I think I'm just tired of "resting."  Friday was really rough...I've decided that I either had another bout of morning sickness (which comes and goes every now and then) or I had a 24 hour bug.  I was nauseous all day and I vomited 4 times throughout the day.  That, along with the cramping and contractions, made for a really horrible day.  I have felt much better the last couple of days, though.  I still have spells of nausea, but I've been able to cope pretty well. 

Enough of the "How do I feel" talk...I've got some cute pics of the nursery now that we have the bedding and a few more accessories.

First, here's an adorable lamp that Cyndel found at Target of all places.  It matches Bentley's room perfectly.  She told me about it the other day, and she decided to buy it yesterday so I could see it.  (It wasn't online, and it's not like I can go shopping right now.)  I love it!  So, thanks Cyndel and Russ for your hand in making his room just a little more ready since I can't do it myself right now.
Check out the stars!  That's kind of a theme we're going with, but not to the extreme.  This precious lamp brings just enough color, and it will be so cute on the nightstand once it comes in.

Now, Porsche wanted  to model Bentley's chair.  I had mentioned bringing in green and red as accent colors in Bentley's boyishly blue room, and this chair is perfect for doing just that.  I can just imagine a precious blue/red throw pillow to accent the chair.  (As soon as I'm off bedrest, that's on my to-do list.)

The chair has a really cute waffle pattern, and it is so comfy.  I'm sure Bentley and I will spend lots of time in here (especially in the middle of the night)!!

I realize Bentley isn't here yet, and he's not due until after Easter, but odds are he'll be here before then.  So, while looking at Pottery Barn Kids stuff online, I fell in love with their Easter baskets.  Since he'll reuse this basket each year, it was worth the investment.  Of course, I had to show Cyndel and now Coen has one, too.  While Bentley's is blue and green, Coen's is red blue and red. 
I can just imagine filling this basket with Easter Eggs for years to come.

This next item is what I got Daniel for Valentine's Day (the day before we went into the hospital).  We had agreed that we weren't doing gifts, but I wanted him to have something special in Bentley's room.  I think we've decided to hand this plaque above the door.  It will fit perfectly and add a sweet touch.

I think this is just precious...I can't wait to see Daddy hold his Baby Boy!
Now, here's some pics of the crib with the bedding in.  The crib is beautiful, but it doesn't showcase the bedding very well.  I think we're going to adjust the bedskirt a bit because there's a detailed blue stripe along the bottom that you can't see now.  We can adjust it a bit to be able to see all the details.  Be sure to check out the all-too-cute stars on the sheets.  I have just fallen in love with those! 

Notice the bedskirt.  When we adjust it, you'll be able to see a blue strip across the bottom.

Here's his precious quilt.  We'll have some cute newborn pictures on it, I'm sure!

See the stars??  I just love them!
Daniel decided to let Porsche try it out...she didn't seem to care too much!!  I talk to her about Bentley all the time...I sure hope some of it's sinking in!  Ha Ha!
Well, everyone, that's that.  I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek this week!  I'll keep you all updated.  We don't go back to the doctor for two weeks (unless Bentley does something unexpected), so I won't have a doctor update.  I'm sure I'll find something to blog about!  The shower is in less than three weeks now, so I'm getting REALLY excited!  I sure hope timing is in my favor for that event.

Have a great week, and keep praying!  I think it's working!!! :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What I've Learned at 32 Weeks

Well...we made it!!  32 weeks was our first milestone since leaving the hospital, and we actually made it.  The next goal set is for 34 weeks.  Let's see how we do.  Overall, it doesn't seem that anything has changed.  Bentley is staying put, though he's quite a mover and shaker (I guess he gets that from his Mommy)!  He's been in the same position (for the most part) for weeks.  Head down, his back is on my left side, and his hands and feet are on my right side.  All too often I feel something boney (hand or foot) poking out my right side, and his back humped up on the left side.  I think he's doing yoga. :)  He gets the hiccups every time I eat, and sometimes in between meals.  Speaking of them, he has them now!  All this movement was great when I first felt it, but now it makes me feel queasy.  Sometimes his movements are so big that they make me feel nauseous.  Oh well...his moving around lets me know he's okay, so I'll deal with the rest.

Okay...Now, let's go over what I seem to have learned during these last few weeks.
  1. Bedrest stinks!!  (Daniel has renamed it "house arrest.") - Though I don't have to be flat on my back all the time, NO ONE needs this much rest!
  2. Resting physically forces you to rest mentally. - I understand that I need to rest my body, but my brain needs stimulation.  Internet access, puzzles, books, and TV/movies can only keep you occupied for so long. 
  3. Resting can actually make you feel worse! - I feel best while I'm up getting my shower.  As soon as I sit down to do my make-up or start "resting" for the day, I start feeling really crummy.  Daniel says that I feel "blah."
  4. It is MUCH harder to rest at home than at the hospital. - I am lucky enough to have family and friends to help me clean my house and cook my meals, but do you know how badly I want to clean my own house and cook my own meals for a change?  I know I'll regret saying that someday, but right now...that's how I feel.  I want my independence back!!
  5. People love me! - I've griped on all my other lessons learned, so I'll state the obvious on this one.  There have been so many people to step up and take care of me and my family during this time.  I am so, so, SO, SO, SO grateful for each and every person that has called, emailed, cooked, cleaned, and prayed for me. 
As grateful as I am, though, I cannot wait to get back to my old self.  I want to feel good...Really Good.  I cannot even remember what "normal" feels like anymore.  I also want to do things for other people rather than relying on everyone to do things for me.  I want to be able to go to dinner with my husband and enjoy a glass of wine as he looks at me in something besides pajamas or sweat pants.  I want my friends to be able to visit me somewhere besides my house, where the topic of discussion is always "How do you feel?"  I want to have a happy, healthy baby, which is why I'm doing all this other stuff in the first place.  It all comes full circle, huh?  We do what we have to do.  There will come a day when I can't even remember how much I dislike this situation, so for now, we'll just wait it out. 

Now that I've vented a bit, we'll go back to the good news...We made it to 32 weeks!  YIPPEE!!    

Monday, March 7, 2011

31 1/2 Weeks and Still Counting!!

Hello Everyone!!  I am 31 weeks and 4 days pregnant today, and we went for our (now) weekly check-up.  Good News!!...nothing has changed, so my doctor is very happy.  She and the nurses said they get really excited when they see me come into the office still pregnant.  They always fear that we'll be having a baby soon.  The doctor said our next goal is 34 weeks (since we've almost made it to 32).  So, keep praying that we make it that far, or farther.

Overall, the appointment was normal.  I have gained about 1 1/2 pounds since last week (and I can tell it), so our grand total is up to 8 1/2 pounds gained.  Daniel and I can both tell that my belly has grown this week, so Bentley must be growing just fine.  My blood pressure was 90/60, and my urine test was normal.  Bentley's heart rate was 142 bpm, which is right about what it's been being since we were in the hospital.  The doctor checked me, and said she thinks my cervix is "about the same."  Apparently there wasn't any significant change.  All of this is good news!!

The only worry we have is that over the last few days I've had a few really painful contractions.  I had a couple Saturday night, and I had two today.  It's really weird.  I'll have painful contractions that go all around my belly and back, but they just go away.  Go figure...unless they are consistent, we're staying put!!

That's about all the news we have right now, so here's our latest photos of Bentley and me.

Here is Bentley...he moves constantly and gets the hiccups at least 3 times a day.

Here's the two of us...Can you tell how much I've grown since last week??

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Little Scare...All is Well

This morning I got up with more signs and symptoms of preterm labor and thinking maybe my water was leaking.  After my shower, I called the doctor and they asked me to come in right away.  Daniel was in a class that he really didn't need to miss, so I called Cyndel to take me to the doctor. 

Once at the doctor, they called me back immediately, checked my blood pressure, and did a urine test.  Those were both good and normal.  We heard Bentley's heart rate again, which was 142 bpm, but he wasn't very cooperative.  Every time the poor nurse got the Doppler in the right spot to get his heart rate, he moved around.  It took her a minute to get it, but finally be stopped moving long enough to get a good reading. 

Once all that was done, I changed clothes and waited for the doctor to come in.  She came in and did a swab of my cervix to check for amniotic fluid, and she checked my cervix again.  She did see signs of me losing my mucous plug (sorry...there's just no nice way to say that).  After looking under the microscope, she could confidently say, my water wasn't leaking, and it's probably just my mucous plug causing me to worry.  The good news is that some people go for weeks without a mucous plug before delivery.  Also, the doctor said my cervix didn't seem to have changed...still dilated to 2cm. 

The doctor did want me to have an ultrasound to measure the amniotic fluid, which measured good (10 cm).  Also, the ultrasound tech measured Bentley's growth, and he's growing wonderfully!!  I am 30 weeks 6 days today, and he measured 31 weeks 4 days.  She also said that she could estimate his weight as being 3 pounds 10 ounces.  That means he's gained about 10 ounces since we left the hospital!  That's my boy!!  I may not be growing, but he is, and that's all that matters!

Overall, everything is fine.  I've decided that unless my water really breaks or I'm bleeding out, I'll just keep my worries to myself.  It seems like everything that I think is a big deal ends up being nothing.  New Mommy worries are already kicking in, I suppose. 

I just wanted to keep everyone updated!  We'll be 31 weeks tomorrow (Thursday), and the doctor is pleased.  She said she no longer worries about brain development at 31 weeks.  Whew!!  That's good to hear!

Keep praying, and I'll keep you updated!