

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Date Night & Bentley's Name

First of all, I have to say that I FINALLY feel good!  You know, it's funny to me that everyone has their "milestone week" where they finally feel good during pregnancy.  Early in my pregnancy, I kept hearing 12 weeks, 14 weeks, 18 weeks, blah, blah, blah...."You'll feel like a million bucks!"  I gave up on that a LONG time ago.  I was sick until about 20 weeks (and I still have spells on some days), and that's when the heartburn and contractions started.  We all know where that ended up!  Well, guess what!!!  33 weeks is my magic number.  I have felt better over the last 4 or 5 days than I have felt the entire pregnancy.  I still have moments of "yuckiness," but that's usually if I'm hungry or have INSANE heartburn.  Overall, I'm GREAT, and you have no idea how excited I am to say that.

You all got so used to a doctor update each week, but we were cleared for two weeks the last time we went to the doctor, so I didn't have an appointment this week.  You might understand my disappointment when I realized I had lost my outing for this week since the doctor's office is the only place I've been able to go.  The doctor did tell us that I could go for a drive to see the spring, so Daniel and I took it upon ourselves to have that "drive" take us on a date.  (What's the difference in sitting at a table in a restaurant as compared to my table at home?)  I have to sweet husband was great!  He made reservations at one of my favorite restaurants (Connor's Steak & Seafood, which he wouldn't tell me right away).  When I found out he'd made reservations, I was so excited.  You have to understand...I haven't been out to eat in FIVE WEEKS!  This was a very exciting moment.  I kind of felt like I was getting ready for prom (though I didn't get all dressed up).  You know how you want everything to perfect?...I paid extra attention to hair and make-up just because I could.  When I finished getting ready, I came downstairs, and Daniel said, "Well, aren't you cute!"  That may not sound like much, but he usually doesn't comment on things like that, so I was happy. :)  You can judge for yourself...Here are some pics of Bentley and me before our date with Daddy.

Can you tell how much Bentley has grown?  I can definitely tell!
Here we are...ready for our date! 
You might notice that I've had a haircut.  I was desperately needing one, and I am lucky enough to know someone that was willing to come to my house on Saturday to cut my hair.  (Thank you Shantelle!)  It feels so much better! 

Well, date night was a blast!  The food was great, the weather was beautiful, and the time with my hubby was priceless!  Of course we had to top the night off with some ice cream...that's my new craving!  We stopped by Bruster's on the way home for yummy, heartburn healing treats. 

Now, I know I've mentioned before that I have some plans for decorating Bentley's room, but I haven't been able to go out shopping.  Some stuff I can order online, but other things I really just need to be able to touch and feel.  Well, on Saturday Cyndel and Raven were my hands and eyes at Hobby Lobby.  I finally decided to paint the letters of Bentley's name rather than painting canvases.  (I have painted canvases for other babies in the past, but Bentley's 7-letter name was going to be A LOT!)  Here's some pics of some canvases I've painted.  I can't find all the pictures, so we'll have to settle with these.

Here's Charlie's (my nephew) initials.  They match his baby bedding.

Here's Coen's name.  We hung these in his jungle/animal themed nursery.  I think these prints would be cute for just about anything!
Now, like I said, Bentley's name is a little too long to do canvases, so I settled for plain wooden letters.  Cyndel and Raven picked them up for me at Hobby Lobby on Saturday, and I couldn't wait to get started painting.  So, yesterday, I spent quite a few hours painting away for my baby boy.  I have to say...I am very happy with how they turned out.  Here's the pics of each letter, as well as all the letters together.

I decided to do all the letters a little different, so the "B" showcases vertical stripes.

The "E" has little lines that imitate stitching, as if it were quilted.

I wanted to do polka dots, but I didn't want them to look girly, and I think the "N" is the perfect combination of whimsy and boyish.
I couldn't decided whether to do plaid, checks, or something else, but the "T" is still simple enough that it fits nicely between two busier letters.
I had to incorporate the star theme into his name.  The "L" is perfect for doing just that.
While similar to the other E, this "E" has tiny dots rather than lines to simulate stitching.
Anchoring the end of his name, the "Y" sports horizontal stripes to compliment the B.

Voila!!!  Here's his whole name, complete and perfect for my baby boy!
So you know, I have massive amounts of time on my hands, and I love painting projects, so let me know if you're interested in some cute painted letters or canvases.  I would love to have some fun busy work!

Daniel and I haven't really come to a final decision on how to place Bentley's name in his room.  I could hang the letters by ribbon, sit them on a shelf, or hang them from a cable that incorporates a really cute decor into the room.  Here's the cable I've found on Pottery Barn Kids.

Check out the cute stars that would add a little more character to the nursery. 

Here's another view of the cable.  I'm thinking I would hang the letters from the cable with ribbon.  TOO CUTE!! 
Well, I think that's all my news for today.  Oh, except I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my baby shower dress!!  We ordered it last week, and it's supposed to be here today!  YIPPEE!  I rarely get to wear cute maternity stuff since I don't go anywhere, so you can see why I'm super thrilled about my dress.  I sure hope it gets here, and I sure hope it fits!  :)  I can't wait for my baby shower either.  Less than two week...we have to keep Bentley in place at least until then.  I would like to look pregnant at my shower...I guess if he comes early, he might get to attend his own baby shower, too.

Have a great week, and keep us in your prayers.  The beautiful weather has lifted my spirits, and my new found "feeling good" moments have helped so, so much!  33 1/2 weeks, and Bentley's still in place!  I think we're on the downhill slope!

1 comment:

  1. The letters are adorable! Bentley has a very talented Mom.
