

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Little Scare...All is Well

This morning I got up with more signs and symptoms of preterm labor and thinking maybe my water was leaking.  After my shower, I called the doctor and they asked me to come in right away.  Daniel was in a class that he really didn't need to miss, so I called Cyndel to take me to the doctor. 

Once at the doctor, they called me back immediately, checked my blood pressure, and did a urine test.  Those were both good and normal.  We heard Bentley's heart rate again, which was 142 bpm, but he wasn't very cooperative.  Every time the poor nurse got the Doppler in the right spot to get his heart rate, he moved around.  It took her a minute to get it, but finally be stopped moving long enough to get a good reading. 

Once all that was done, I changed clothes and waited for the doctor to come in.  She came in and did a swab of my cervix to check for amniotic fluid, and she checked my cervix again.  She did see signs of me losing my mucous plug (sorry...there's just no nice way to say that).  After looking under the microscope, she could confidently say, my water wasn't leaking, and it's probably just my mucous plug causing me to worry.  The good news is that some people go for weeks without a mucous plug before delivery.  Also, the doctor said my cervix didn't seem to have changed...still dilated to 2cm. 

The doctor did want me to have an ultrasound to measure the amniotic fluid, which measured good (10 cm).  Also, the ultrasound tech measured Bentley's growth, and he's growing wonderfully!!  I am 30 weeks 6 days today, and he measured 31 weeks 4 days.  She also said that she could estimate his weight as being 3 pounds 10 ounces.  That means he's gained about 10 ounces since we left the hospital!  That's my boy!!  I may not be growing, but he is, and that's all that matters!

Overall, everything is fine.  I've decided that unless my water really breaks or I'm bleeding out, I'll just keep my worries to myself.  It seems like everything that I think is a big deal ends up being nothing.  New Mommy worries are already kicking in, I suppose. 

I just wanted to keep everyone updated!  We'll be 31 weeks tomorrow (Thursday), and the doctor is pleased.  She said she no longer worries about brain development at 31 weeks.  Whew!!  That's good to hear!

Keep praying, and I'll keep you updated!

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