

Monday, March 28, 2011

34 1/2 Weeks: Bentley Update

Hi everyone!  We are doing great here at the Bowling residence.  I am still feeling really good for the most part.  I still have my moments, but moments are much better than days or weeks of being sick.  The only thing that's not going my way is sleeping.  The last two nights I've had to wake up two times to take my medication for contractions, once for my heartburn medication, and I've had to pee five times!  That's a total of EIGHT TIMES waking up in the middle of the night.  I should be well prepared for that part of parenthood if this keeps up.  I guess I'd rather wake up multiple times instead of being sick all the time, though.  Overall, I'm doing good.

If you're like me, you've been a little anxious for a doctor update.  We got so used to going every week that a two week span seemed like an eternity.  To keep the theme going, we waited an eternity at the doctor today. :) 

My appointment was at 3:45, and they usually call me back right away.  I think it was after 4:00 when they called me back for the initial check-up stuff.  Here's my stats today:
 - Urine test: Normal
 - Blood Pressure: 100/60
 - Weight Gain: NONE...can you believe it?  I weighed the same today as I did 2 weeks ago, but I have proof that Bentley's growning.  Check out our pictures this week.

Here we are...getting bigger everyday!

Surely to heavens you can tell he's grown.
As for the rest of our appointment.  We waited in the triage area for about 10 minutes before a room was open.  Once we got in a room, the nurse checked Bentley's heartrate, which was about 148 bpm(PERFECT)!!  Then, we waited for what seemed like forever.  Finally, the doctor came in to check me.

She said I was dilated to a "good 2."  In the past, she's said I was barely at 2 cm, but today she said I may have changed (dilated) a little more.  She did say she was a little more courageous while checking me because she's not as nervous about stimulating contractions or labor at this point.  Overall, she was very happy that we made it past 34 weeks, and she said I could discontinue my bedrest at 36 weeks.  My next appointment is next Wednesday, and they will do an ultrasound to check Bentley's growth.  So far, he's measured about a week ahead on all his measurements, so we'll see if that's still the case. 

I did have a few questions for the doctor this time of the most important questions was about the Walk for Autism, which is this weekend.  She said I can go, and she was glad to hear that I plan to sit down and watch rather than walk.  Although, she was going to let me walk "if my heart so desired."  She said she would feel guilty telling me I couldn't walk for a cause that was important to me.  I probably would try and walk if my shower weren't the next day.  I would like to be able to attend my own shower, so I'll try to put off labor at least until after it's over.  In the mean time, I am CRAZY EXCITED about the shower!!  I can't wait!

I've been keeping busy by painting more letters this past week.  I painted Coen's name for his bedroom, and I plan to paint some more tomorrow for a friend of mine.  I'll post pictures of those when they are all finished.

Finally, congratulations to a couple of high school friends of mine that are on the Baby Train. 
 - Anna had her baby today, just a tad early, and her little girl is 5 lbs. 5 oz. and 17 inches long.  From what I hear, Mommy and Baby Olivia are doing great.
 - Ashley is scheduled to have her baby boy on Thursday, so good luck and I hope all goes well.  We're thinking of you!

The Walk for Autism is THIS SATURDAY, April 2nd.  Registration starts at 8:30!!!  Please join us at Milton Frank Stadium for so much fun and a great cause!  If you go online and preregister, the cost is $25, and if you register the day of the Walk, the cost is $30.  Either way, your registration fee includes a t-shirt!!  I hope to see you there...I'll be there with my bells on!

Click Logo to go to ASA webpage for registration!!

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