

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Keeping Busy!

I have to say...I have been finding projects to keep me busy, and it's doing the trick!  The days are passing quickly, and we're getting closer to the day when I get to be part of the REAL WORLD!  WooHoo!

When I posted pictures of Bentley's name, it sparked a few more projects that I've had fun with over the last week.  A few months ago Coen got new bedding with "back it ups" (bulldozers, dump trucks, etc.) on it, so his animal themed canvases no longer fit the bill.  So, Cyndel and I decided we would get letters like Bentley's to paint for his "Big Boy Room."  It's just coincidence that the colors in Coen's room are about the same as the colors in Bentley's room.  Here's Coen's name!

Coen is really excited about his name.  He helped us hang them in his room!
  After I finished Coen's name, I was just hoping and praying that someone else would need something done, and I was in luck.  My friend, Janice, has a friend expected a baby boy and thought his painted name would be cute for his room.  All we knew is that the room was chocolate and blue, and Janice thought there might be polka dots involved.  So, with that info, I went to work!  Check out his adorable letters.  I think Janice is going to mount them to a plaque or canvas into one larger piece because the letters are a bit small.

Aren't these precious?!?!  I love the whimsy look that's still boyish.
 After getting these two painted, I got to work on ideas for hanging Bentley's name.  Daniel and I both liked the star hanger from Pottery Barn Kids on a previous post, but we thought we could do something similar for much cheaper.  So, after lots of ideas, we decided to find our own stars and wire to hang.  Luckily, Hobby Lobby had perfect star peg hangers for $1.99 each, and the hardware totaled less than $5.  So, approximately $10 compared to $39...I think we did pretty good.

I still have to fudge the "L" a little...It's driving me CRAZY!

Here's a peek at the stars.  I painted them to match the room, and I think they turned out cute!

We completed that project last night.  I think I've been driving Daniel crazy about getting it done, but what can I say...The pregnant lady wants what she wants!  When I talked to him on the phone the other day about going by Lowe's, we were talking about what we needed and when we would work on it, and my comment was, "I really just want to get it done."  His next comment was, "Okay, nester!"  At least he's got the right idea! :)

That's all my painting projects as of late.  With the Walk for Autism coming up this weekend, there were a few things that needed to get done before of which was more posters.  Naturally, everyone thought of me.  I love doing that kind of thing, and I need things to keep me busy.  I was glad they thought of me because that kept me busy yesterday afternoon, and I still have a few to complete today.  My dining room table has been my craft center lately.  I've been calling it my "workspace."  At least I can feel like I'm doing something productive beside incubating my little one!

Here's my "workspace."  It was painting central for a while, but posters are the project of choice for now.
Speaking of Bentley, we are doing good.  We're 35 weeks today, and he's staying put for now.  I had a little cramping and pressure yesterday, but that's not really anything new.  We're just hoping he stays put until after the shower!  4 MORE DAYS!! 

I get to go to the Walk on Saturday...I hope to see you all there! :)

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